Personal Lines & Loans
Orrstown Bank Consumer Financing Solutions Empower Your Financial Journey
Personal Loan
When you borrow money for a personal loan, you can spend the funds however you like. You pay the loan back in regular monthly installments. You can use the money to pay for something you couldn't otherwise afford, such as a nice vacation for your family. Many clients rely on personal loans to consolidate debt as well. Borrowers use the lower rate of a personal loan to pay off other, higher-interest debt and reduce the number of payments they make each month.
No matter why you need a loan, you should understand its terms and conditions. When you get personal loans from Orrstown, you get several advantages:
Personal Line of Credit
A line of credit gives you greater flexibility in your borrowing. With a personal line of credit, you have access to a fixed sum of money, but you may not need it all at once. You can use what you need now with the option of tapping into more in the future if the need arises. In the meantime, you only pay on what you've borrowed, not the total loan amount. A line of credit may be the right choice for you if you aren't sure how much money you need and want flexibility for the future.
Check out the advantages of our personal line of credit:
Lot or Land Loan
When you take out a lot or land loan, you can purchase the property you desire. You may plan to build a house there one day or are still determining what you want to do with the land. Unlike with a mortgage, you won't have to pay private mortgage insurance with a land or lot loan, and you don't need property insurance, either. You can enjoy the flexibility you desire to plan for your future.
There are many benefits of our lot or land loan program:
Why Choose Orrstown for Your Personal Loan?
Orrstown Bank has been a reassuring presence in Central Pennsylvania and Maryland for more than 100 years. We've established deep roots in the communities where we live and work. Our employees are your neighbors and our children go to the same schools. We care about helping you reach your financial goals so you can have a better future.
When you select Orrstown for your personal loan, you enjoy many benefits, including:
- Personal touch: We talk to you about your options and keep you informed. You deal with actual people as you navigate the loan process.
- Updated information: We keep you informed of every aspect throughout the loan process.
- Caring: We genuinely care about helping you make the best choices for yourself and your family.
We believe that supporting our neighbors helps make our community stronger. Contact us today to learn more about our personal loan options and discuss what's possible for you.

4.35% Introductory APR 1
7.00% APR 1